In Real Horror, a mysterious, vengeful man with demonic magic brings every horror film villain ever known to kill every human and animal in the world. From Freddy Krueger to Pennywise the dancing clown, these murderous nightmare inducers plan to destroy the world both in reality and their victims' dreams. While they have the same powers and abilities from their movies, these monsters have gained a few tricks up their sleeves. Also, they seem to be reappearing some time after being destroyed. Only one person can stop them: a fearless bounty hunter that has watched nearly every horror movie, therefore knowing the villains' every move and weakness. Not only that, but he also has a supply of dream catchers that can capture his foes with ease. With his skills, weapons, and knowledge, our bounty hunter hero must give it his all to find the cause of this crisis, put a stop to it, and save the world.
The poster has me in the front, wearing a blue jacket, sunglasses and maybe holding some dream catchers. Behind me are some iconic villains from well-known horror movies. These include Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Pennywise the dancing clown, Chucky the killer doll, Michael Myers, and Jigsaw. Behind them is a red smoky portal, that appears to be leading to the Underworld. I am considering to make that into a projector lense.
A movie poster that I like is the Japanese poster for the movie Wreck-it Ralph. The reason why is because it shows the four main characters and where most of the story will take place. Also, in the upper left corner, it teases cameo appearances from certain video game characters that were featured in the movie.
The poster has me in the front, wearing a blue jacket, sunglasses and maybe holding some dream catchers. Behind me are some iconic villains from well-known horror movies. These include Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Pennywise the dancing clown, Chucky the killer doll, Michael Myers, and Jigsaw. Behind them is a red smoky portal, that appears to be leading to the Underworld. I am considering to make that into a projector lense.
A movie poster that I like is the Japanese poster for the movie Wreck-it Ralph. The reason why is because it shows the four main characters and where most of the story will take place. Also, in the upper left corner, it teases cameo appearances from certain video game characters that were featured in the movie.
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